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BezelCursor: Bezel-initiated cursor for one-handed target acquisition on mobile touch screens

We present BezelCursor, a novel one-handed thumb interaction technique for target acquisition on mobile touch screens of various sizes. Our technique combines bezel-initiated interaction and pointing gesture to solve the problem of limited screen accessibility afforded by the thumb. With a fixed, comfortable grip of a mobile touch device, a user may employ our tool to easily and quickly access a target located anywhere on the screen, using a single fluid action. Unlike the existing technologies, our technique requires no explicit mode switching to invoke and can be smoothly used together with commonly adopted interaction styles such as direct touch and dragging. Our user study shows that BezelCursor requires less grip adjustment, and is more accurate or faster than the state-of-the-art techniques when using a fixed secure grip.

Co-authors: Wing Ho Andy Li, Hongbo Fu

Exploring the design space of bezel-initiated gestures for mobile interaction

Bezel enables useful gestures supplementary to primary surface gestures for mobile interaction. However, the existing works mainly focus on researcher-designed gestures, which utilized only a subset of the design space. In order to explore the design space, we present a modified elicitation study, during which the participants designed bezel-initiated gestures for four sets of tasks. Different from traditional elicitation studies, ours encourages participants to design new gestures. We do not focus on individual tasks or gestures, but perform a detailed analysis of the collected gestures as a whole, and provide findings which could benefit designers of bezel-initiated gestures

Co-authors: Wing Ho Andy Li, Hongbo Fu

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